Thursday, July 08, 2004

ME (I know but really, really about me) and BABY

There are few things more egoistic than having a blog. Pointing out the posts that are about me is like pointing at the bodies of water that have fish. Anyway....

Contenders (Sept '05)
Doug Bennett (Oct '05)
Home for holidays (Dec '04)
Culture-shock (Dec '04)
Back in Korea (Jan '05)
I'm back (Feb '05)
Hel-seu (Feb '05)
Exercise update 1 (Feb '05)
Exercise update 2 (Mar '05)
Foodbloggin' salsa (Mar '05)
End of contenders (Apr '05)
jogging (Apr '05)

Not good news for expecting parents (May '05)
Coming soon (May '05)
audio post on delivery day 1 (Jun '05)
Audio post on delivery day 2 (Jun '05)
Audio post on delivery day 3 (Jun '05)
My son (Jun '05)
Excited about poop (July '05)

WIFE: My wife is a wonderful women about whom I fill many blogs. However, she enjoys her privacy does not care to be featured here often. You may find photos or mentions of her in hiking or other posts.

Bloggin' / Misc

Taking stock (Sept '04)
Back to work (Sept '04)
Random thoughts (Sept '04)
DVD woes (Sept '04)
More posts coming (Nov '04)
Favorite movie lines (Feb '05)
Trying to foodblog (Mar '05)
Pope Ratzinger (Apr '04)
More Random Thoughts (May '05)
Evil Empire (May '05)
Breaking my promise (May '05)

The Two Koreas

Nuclear test? (Sept '04)
North Koreans at Canadian Embassy (Sept '04)
Documentary on NK Defectors (Oct '04)
Update of Canadian Embassy defection (Dec. '04)

ESL and Kwandong University

Edutainment (Sept '04)
Shooting students 1 (Sept '04)
shooting students 2 (Oct '04)
Shooting students 3 (Oct '04)
Unqualified english teachers (Feb. '05)
Kotesol meeting (Mar '05)
Kotesol meeting postponed (Mar '05)
Club beautifly lessons (Mar '05)
shooting students 4 (Mar '05)
foreign teachers can relax (Mar '03)
English quiz game (May '05)

Halloween (Oct '05)

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Culture, holidays and festivals

What is culture, really. I sure don't know but the apparently I think it has something to do with dead people.

Where will the dead go? (Sept '04)
Their grandfather's grave (Sept '04)
Don't call him Sunshine (Apr '05)

Chuseok (Sept '04)
Auld-lang-syn on danso (Dec '04)

Local festivals (Sept '04)
Salmon fest (Oct '04)


I live in a rural area and my in-laws are farmers. I don't know much about farming, but when I see something interesting, you'll find it here. Oh, what I said about not knowing much about farming? The same is true in spades for business in general.


How to be a farmer (Sept '04)
Rice-rice-rice! (Sept '04)
Fall harvesting (Sept '04)
last word on rice (Nov. '04)

Problems for small businesses (Sept. '04)


There don't seem to be that many 'Gangwondo' subject posts but really, this category is only for those Gangwon-themed posts that don't fit the other categories. ESL and Kwandong U posts are mostly set in Gangwondo, as are cycling, outdoors, temples (currently only Naksan) and Me.

bidding for the 2014 Olympics (Feb '05)
A protective country? -Gangwonland (Feb '05)
Yangyang Airport (Mar '05)
Snow (Mar '05)
Snow and cars (Mar. '05)
Snow removal (Mar. '05)
Shovelling snow (Mar '05)
Sokcho shopping (Mar '05)
more fires (Apr '05)
Effects of E-mart (May '05)
Fog photo (Jun '05)
Beaches (Jun '05)
Barbed wire coming down -beaches (Jun'05)
Donghae gun theft (July '05)
Guns recovered (Aug '05)

Monday, July 05, 2004

Korea and the world/ Canada

These posts are about Korea generally, Korea's relationship with the World or with World News that may not be related to Korea. Below are posts relating to Canada

Comparing Utility companies in Korea and the US (Oct 2004)

Drive to correct errors about Korea (Oct 2004)

Racial Stereotyping in Korea (Nov 2004)

Wrestling in the parliament building (Dec 2004)

Adoption (Mar 2005)

Daemado and Takeshima (Mar 2005)
Daemado sign (Mar 2005)

Earthquake (Mar 2005)

Taxing bribes (Apr 2005)

Phone order brides (May 2005)

Dual citizenship problems (conscription) (May 2005)

Boa as national news? (May 2005)

Earthday (June 2005)

Bulwer-lytton awards (possible an ESL topic) (Aug 2005)


Medicine advertising (Feb 2005)
Nucs in Canada? (May 2005)
Canada's dokdo (July 2005)
Canada's dokdo 2 (Aug 2005)
Plane catches fire at Toronto Airport (Aug 2005)