Tuesday, July 06, 2004


There don't seem to be that many 'Gangwondo' subject posts but really, this category is only for those Gangwon-themed posts that don't fit the other categories. ESL and Kwandong U posts are mostly set in Gangwondo, as are cycling, outdoors, temples (currently only Naksan) and Me.

bidding for the 2014 Olympics (Feb '05)
A protective country? -Gangwonland (Feb '05)
Yangyang Airport (Mar '05)
Snow (Mar '05)
Snow and cars (Mar. '05)
Snow removal (Mar. '05)
Shovelling snow (Mar '05)
Sokcho shopping (Mar '05)
more fires (Apr '05)
Effects of E-mart (May '05)
Fog photo (Jun '05)
Beaches (Jun '05)
Barbed wire coming down -beaches (Jun'05)
Donghae gun theft (July '05)
Guns recovered (Aug '05)

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