Friday, November 25, 2005

Tano is now a UNESCO recognized event

The local signs usually say Danno, but however you spell it, UNESCO's recognition of the celebration as a part of our world heritage is big news hereabouts. All the Korean papers are carrying the news; I looked at the Times.

The grump in me needs to point out that probably fewer than one in five attendees will know about or watch the rituals honouring the mountain spirits that now join ``Chongmyo Cherye,’’ royal ancestral rites and Pansori, a traditional one-man narrative opera as UNESCO intangible treasures.

David Mason has written a coffee-table book describing the worship of San-shin that includes information about Danno. I don't know if his website specifically discusses Danno, but if you want to learn more, it would be a good place to start.

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