Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Pack-the-El-Camino to the rescue!

I haven't been the only Gangwon blogger having an interesting time at the beach. A co-worker has been playing, spending time with family and saving a non-swimmer.


Anonymous said...

like you said..."lucky timing" we were at the end of the beach (a place that we don't go to but it's closer to park th car and get the SUP ready). apparently, and this is from ms. paka, most koreans wouldn't have attempted to save him because of the risk of losing their own life. such a difference in metality.

Anonymous said...

oh...and thanks for the "plug."

kwandongbrian said...

"...most koreans wouldn't have attempted to save him because of the risk of losing their own life."

I would risk my life for my little one or wife but not as much for a stranger. Lifeguards are taught that they are the most important person - to preserve their own lives and not increase the number of victims.

After that boy died at a sauna a few months ago, I heard word that good Samaritans are not protected by law - if they make a problem worse, they are liable. In other words, if they cannot help competently, they are at risk if they try.

Anonymous said...

hi brian, paka mentioned the same thing to me about koreans not attempting to help. and like you, nothing would stop me from attempting to save my little one and ms. as far as the thing about lifeguards, i remember that from my days of lifesaving class. when i swam to the guy i made sure i was ready to kick him away if he tried to use me as a buoy.

in the end, all was good and a family went home and learned a valuable lesson. don't swim out if you can't swim back in.