Saturday, September 19, 2009

street fest and mermaid play

Blogger is so exciting when it comes to organizing photos in a blog post. They seem to be loaded in the opposite order to what you select them. Decide to have six and the sixth one is at the beginning.
The little one and I went to see a children's musical, The Mermaid Princess, today and found that the main street was closed to traffic for a clean air festival. I also found that, although mostly cheerful, the little guy was unwilling to smile in any photos.

Downtown Sokcho has these fountains on the sidewalk and they always turn off a few minutes after we get to them. Still, we enjoyed them while we could.
Here is my son with a mascot for something.
There are lots of new statues and this one is to the glory of fisher-people. Perhaps this is a good photo to precede mermaid photos.
Here is the cast. The octopus/woman was hot but I wasn't sure if the 'princess' was a guy or not.
We found a coffee shop that served fresh fruit juice and we stopped in as we were early for the play. The owner's husband is a wood carver.

Festivals Coming up: The Korea Festival next week at Expo Park. The ultramarathon, which I blogged about earlier, is called the Yangyang Song-i Ultramarathon so I think the Song-i mushroom festival is coming up soon. If you love mushrooms, come to the festival. If not, it's no big deal.


not-so-quiet mom said...

Have you heard when the YangYang salmon festival is this year? Matthew's thinking of actually doing it this year.

kwandongbrian said...

I don't know but I will find out - for myself as well at Matthew.