The little one came to work with me today for reason worth their own post -and that post will explain why I am too tired to get into it now -and was quickly working some magic with the ladies.
The first woman he kissed was a complete stranger (way to go, son!); a student who walked by with friends, cooed over him, then asked for a kiss. Alex readily complied. I pulled my coworker away from making a request of his own - he's a married man, for crying out loud.
Then a staff member, hearing the story, asked for her own kiss - and was wonderfully kind enough to wipe the runny nose she became aware of during that kiss.
I was a cute kid getting kisses until I was about five years old. It was all downhill after that . . .
dammit...all the work on C.J.E. and KwandongAlex gets a kiss on his first attempt.
I hope your wife doesn't read this, Paka!
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