Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Kwandongbrian's Hinterland's Who's who

A few years ago, my mother bought a stuffed animal - a chickadee for my little one. It had a noise maker inside that reminded me of the start of CBC's Public Service Announcements about Canadian wildlife.

Here is my version:

"The phone using student is a funny fellow, shy and hard to approach. They are sociable animals and friends may make an alarm call as you come near. They prefer large classes where they can blend in."

I am almost embarrassed at how proud I am to have gotten this picture. After spotting the phone-using-student, I had to keep my tone and speed of speaking steady as I reached into my computer case and pulled out the camera. Then I had to keep the camera low and turn it on as I approached, hoping the thirty-five other students wouldn't show too much curiosity until - Snap- had the picture and a class frozen at my response. I was so proud of myself.

Oh, for nostaglic Canadians, visit the spoof page at Hinterland's Who's Who. Best viewed with a hockey jersey and maple syrup pancakes.

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