Monday, October 20, 2008

Kwandongbrian becomes (or recognizes that I always have been) an old crank

This kind of thing always irritates me but especially when I am travelling with the little guy.

If you can't park the car, don't buy a car!

The signs on the windows read "no parking". If I knew how to say, "stay off the frikkin' sidewalk", that's what they'd say.

And kids, stay off my yard! Why, when I was that age, I knew...


Daniel Costello said...

Will you be cranking your way to the KOTESOL this weekend and should I sneak a beer in my packback for you during the OHP presentations?

Anonymous said...

a permanent marker also works just have to be non-chalant when you walk by.

kwandongbrian said...

A beer might be nice - I'll be there.

Is the OHP bit a remark about how old I am?

Marcus Peddle said...

No Parking signs should be applied with a hammer.

kwandongbrian said...

You do recall that the previous post was about hammers and traffic, right?