Saturday, November 17, 2007

Are there established rules or etiquette for interpretation?

Kwandongwife will be traveling with a delegation of the Korean Coast Guard to a few South Asian countries and will be doing all or most of the interpretation. Although her language skills are strong, this is something she has not done before.

We have learned that interpreters should use direct speech and not say, "He said that he...."

Interpreters should say, "....Correction,....", rather than "...I'm sorry,...."

I spent a long time googling and found many sites for interpreting dreams, law, the bible, various computer languages and sign language, but no set of guidelines that human interpreters of spoken language generally follow (Some of the sign language stuff was useful, though). If any readers can offer advice or point me to a website, thanks a lot.


Anonymous said...

This site may be of help.

Daniel Costello said...

I would make enquiries at The Monterey Institute of international Studies - Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation.